Mission possible: A failure mode and effect analysis of the Federal Emergency Management Agency


  • Jeff Nelson, MS
  • Kiril Hristovski, PhD, MS
  • Danny Peterson, PhD, CEM




emergency management, FEMA, FMEA, Hurricane Katrina


In its report pertaining to the performance of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) during Hurricane Katrina, the US Senate recommended replacing FEMA with a bigger and better organization. Instead of replacing FEMA as a whole, an attempt should be made to scientifically identify and correct any significant gaps within the organizational and operational structure of FEMA based on FEMA’s current mission requirements under the National Response Plan. This article demonstrates the use of Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) methodology for identification, analysis, measurement, and prioritization of the systemic root causes for FEMA’s inadequate mission performance during disasters of Katrina’s magnitude. The article also provides suggestions for the most effective corrective action models for the top five high-risk functions at FEMA identified and prioritized using FMEA.

Author Biographies

Jeff Nelson, MS

Planar Chemical Engineer, Intel Corporation, Chandler, Arizona.

Kiril Hristovski, PhD, MS

Research Technologist, Environmental and Emergency Management Program, College of Science and Technology, Arizona State University at the Polytechnic Campus, Mesa, Arizona.

Danny Peterson, PhD, CEM

Professor of Practice, Environmental and Emergency Management Program, College of Science and Technology, Arizona State University at the Polytechnic Campus, Mesa, Arizona.


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How to Cite

Nelson, MS, J., K. Hristovski, PhD, MS, and D. Peterson, PhD, CEM. “Mission Possible: A Failure Mode and Effect Analysis of the Federal Emergency Management Agency”. Journal of Emergency Management, vol. 5, no. 6, Nov. 2007, pp. 17-28, doi:10.5055/jem.2007.0029.