A proposed emergency management program for acute care facilities in response to a highly virulent infectious disease


  • Bruno Petinaux, MD
  • Brandy Ferguson, MD
  • Milena Walker, MD, CIC
  • Yeo-Jin Lee, RN, MPH, CIC
  • Gary Little, MD
  • David Parenti, MD
  • Gary Simon, MD, PhD




Ebola Virus Disease, emergency management, personal protective equipment, infectious disease, infection prevention and control, disaster planning


To address the organizational complexities associated with a highly virulent infectious disease (HVID) hazard, such as Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), an acute care facility should institute an emergency management program rooted in the fundamentals of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. This program must address all known facets of the care of a patient with HVID, from unannounced arrival to discharge. The implementation of such a program not only serves to mitigate the risks from an unrecognized exposure but also serves to prepare the organization and its staff to provide for a safe response, and ensure a full recovery. Much of this program is based on education, training, and infection control measures along with resourcing for appropriate personal protective equipment which is instrumental in ensuring an organized and safe response of the acute care facility in the service to the community. This emergency management program approach can serve as a model in the care of not only current HVIDs such as EVD but also future presentations in our healthcare setting.

Author Biographies

Bruno Petinaux, MD

Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, The George Washington University, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Washington, DC

Brandy Ferguson, MD

Disaster Medicine/EMS Fellow, Department of Emergency Medicine, The George Washington University, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Washington, DC.


Milena Walker, MD, CIC

Infection Prevention Manager, Department of Infection Prevention, The George Washington University Hospital, Washington, DC.

Yeo-Jin Lee, RN, MPH, CIC

Infection Preventionist, Infection Prevention Department, The George Washington University Hospital, Washington, DC

Gary Little, MD

Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, The George Washington University, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Washington, DC

David Parenti, MD

Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, The George Washington University, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Washington, DC

Gary Simon, MD, PhD

Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, The George Washington University, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Washington, DC


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How to Cite

Petinaux, MD, B., B. Ferguson, MD, M. Walker, MD, CIC, Y.-J. Lee, RN, MPH, CIC, G. Little, MD, D. Parenti, MD, and G. Simon, MD, PhD. “A Proposed Emergency Management Program for Acute Care Facilities in Response to a Highly Virulent Infectious Disease”. Journal of Emergency Management, vol. 14, no. 1, Jan. 2016, pp. 17-29, doi:10.5055/jem.2016.0269.