Risk factors for mortality in landslide- and flood-affected populations in Uganda
flood, landslide, natural disasters, Uganda, mortalityAbstract
Objective: Assess mortality risk factors including age, sex, and disaster type, in the March 2010 floods and landslides in Eastern Uganda and to compare time period, cause, location, and receipt of medical care among landslide and flood fatalities.
Design: A stratified cluster survey was conducted of 802 affected households in community and camp locations.
Setting: Flood and landslide affected populations in the East Uganda the districts of Baduda and Butaleja.
Respondents: Adult household members in 802 households were surveyed regarding household member deaths in the floods and landslides areas.
Main Outcome Measures: The primary outcome measure was the odds of death associated with age, sex, and disaster type (flood or landslide). The secondary outcome measure was the odds of event (landslide or flood) among fatalities associated with sex, age, time period of death, and cause of death.
Results: The odds of death were significantly higher in landslide affected populations than in flood affected populations (OR 3.06, 95% CI 2.20-4.25, p < 0.001). Time period of death (p = 0.016), type of death (p < 0.001), death after seeking medical care (p = 0.033), month of death (p < 0.001), and cause of death (p < 0.001) were significantly associated with increased odds of death due to landslides as compared to floods.
Conclusion: More deaths occurred due to landslides than floods, and landslide deaths were more immediate, with a majority occurring on the day of the event. Females and younger age groups faced a greater risk of death from the landslide than the flood.
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