Efficacy of ex vivo decontamination methods for chemical warfare agents on military working dog (Canis familiaris) cadaver skin tissue


  • Jarrod A. Miller, DVM, MPH https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2729-1755
  • Shawn M. Stevenson, BS
  • Stefanie Smallwood, BS
  • Michelle Sheahy, BS
  • Patricia Buckley, PhD
  • Christopher E. Byers, BS
  • Doug Nichols, BS
  • David Gehring
  • Linnzi K. Wright, PhD
  • Jenna D. Gadberry, BS
  • Caitlin E. Sharpes
  • Michele N. Maughan
  • Michael Chesebrough
  • Angelina C. Gerardo, DVM, MPH, DACVPM
  • Cynthia A. Facciolla, DVM, DACVPM
  • Emilee C. Venn, DVM, MS, DACVECC https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9158-1677




military working dog, decontamination, chemical warfare agents, search and rescue


Objective: Evidence-based evaluation of working dog decontamination is needed following several contemporary events involving threats for contamination with hazardous materials. The purpose of this study was to describe the behavior of ex vivo neat chemical warfare agent exposure on military working dog breed-specific canine cadaver tissue and measure the potential effectiveness of standard and potential alternative decontamination methods.

Methods: Previously frozen German Shepherd, Belgian Malinois, and Labrador Retriever full-thickness skin tissue with attached hair coat was used to test the efficacy of decontamination procedures in the removal of sulfur mustard blister agent (HD) and organophosphate nerve agent (VX) chemical warfare contaminants. Four different decontamination treatments were evaluated: none, microfiber towel only (MFTO), low-water method (LWM), and high-water method (HWM). The lesser/nonhaired inner ear, paw pads, and underbelly were evaluated using a Reactive Skin Decontamination Lotion treatment.

Results: The MFTO condition showed a significant removal amount of HD and VX agent from hair coats. An average of 83.1 percent HD and 80.9 percent VX reduction in the initially applied agent was observed with microfiber towel wipes in all tested breeds. As tested, the MFTO method resulted in less recovered agent than the 4 percent chlorhexidine scrub LWM. The HWM resulted in an average of 80.3 percent HD and 98.7 percent VX reduction in the initially applied agent.

Conclusion: The data suggest that the MFTO method alone may be an effective field expedient decontamination method for VX and HD in situations with limited water resources.

Author Biographies

Jarrod A. Miller, DVM, MPH

US Army Medical Center of Excellence, Joint Base San Antonio – Fort Sam Houston, Texas

Shawn M. Stevenson, BS

DEVCOM Chemical Biological Center, Gunpowder, Maryland

Stefanie Smallwood, BS

DEVCOM Chemical Biological Center, Gunpowder, Maryland

Michelle Sheahy, BS

DEVCOM Chemical Biological Center, Gunpowder, Maryland

Patricia Buckley, PhD

DEVCOM Chemical Biological Center, Gunpowder, Maryland

Christopher E. Byers, BS

DEVCOM Chemical Biological Center, Gunpowder, Maryland

Doug Nichols, BS

DEVCOM Chemical Biological Center, Gunpowder, Maryland

David Gehring

DEVCOM Chemical Biological Center, Gunpowder, Maryland

Linnzi K. Wright, PhD

DEVCOM Chemical Biological Center, Gunpowder, Maryland

Jenna D. Gadberry, BS

DEVCOM Chemical Biological Center, Gunpowder, Maryland; Intrinsic24, LLC, Hayden, Idaho

Caitlin E. Sharpes

DEVCOM Chemical Biological Center, Gunpowder, Maryland; Excet, Inc., Springfield, Virginia

Michele N. Maughan

DEVCOM Chemical Biological Center, Gunpowder, Maryland; Excet, Inc., Springfield, Virginia

Michael Chesebrough

DEVCOM Chemical Biological Center, Gunpowder; DCS Corporation, Abingdon, Maryland

Angelina C. Gerardo, DVM, MPH, DACVPM

Department of Defense Military Working Dog Veterinary Services, Lackland Air Force Base, Texas

Cynthia A. Facciolla, DVM, DACVPM

US Army Special Operations Command, Fort Liberty, North Carolina

Emilee C. Venn, DVM, MS, DACVECC

US Army Institute of Surgical Research, Joint Base San Antonio – Fort Sam Houston, Texas


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How to Cite

Miller, J. A., S. M. Stevenson, S. Smallwood, M. Sheahy, P. Buckley, C. E. Byers, N. Nichols, D. Gehring, L. K. Wright, J. D. Gadberry, C. E. Sharpes, M. N. Maughan, M. Chesebrough, A. C. Gerardo, C. A. Facciolla, and E. C. Venn. “Efficacy of Ex Vivo Decontamination Methods for Chemical Warfare Agents on Military Working Dog (Canis Familiaris) Cadaver Skin Tissue”. American Journal of Disaster Medicine, vol. 19, no. 4, Dec. 2024, pp. 313-28, doi:10.5055/ajdm.0489.


