Hospital solution for COVID-19 isolation facility
COVID-19, hospital, protective personal equipment (PPE), remote control systems, contamination prophylaxis strategiesAbstract
Objective: In response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the Israeli government strategy initially focused on containment. The Ministry of Health mandated isolation of COVID-19 patients in hospitals and instructed healthcare institutions to make necessary arrangements. As the second Israeli hospital to establish a COVID-19 department, this article describes our experience in its rapid establishment, while maintaining normal medical center activities.
Setting: Establishing the COVID-19 department involved planning, set-up, and implementations phases, each one based on knowledge available regarding the pandemic and established medical standards for isolation and protection of patients and staff. Wherever possible, new innovative technologies were utilized to provide maximum protection for both patients and staff, together with special online training that was developed for medical teams.
Results: A COVID-19 department was successfully established on the hospital campus, remote from other ongoing patient activities. A novel methodology of disease-adapted medicine was implemented successfully among the department's medical staff, who underwent training tailored to expected clinical scenarios. The COVID-19 department is receiving patients, with no contamination of medical personnel to date. A recent survey of COVID-19 patients revealed a very high patient satisfaction rate.
Conclusion: Based on the experience described herein and lessons learned, the hospital is preparing for a potential large-scale COVID-19 wave, aimed at full readiness through utilization of a fortified underground emergency hospital to treat up to 900 COVID-19 patients, and establishment of versatile in-hospital infrastructure for quick conversion from standard conditions to COVID-19 appropriate conditions.
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