Haddon matrix analysis of medical preparedness for mass gathering music festivals
Haddon matrix, mass gathering event medicine, public health preparednessAbstract
Beginning in the 1960s as a tool to disaggregate complicated auto injuries, the Haddon matrix has evolved into a modern method of analyzing complex public health challenges. Throughout the United States and internationally, music festivals have become a rapidly growing and increasingly complex area of mass gathering medicine. Given the austere environment and inherent challenges of providing medical care during a music festival, we utilized a modified Haddon matrix. The objective is to assess the relevant human, physical, and sociocultural factors that impact these festivals throughout the pre-event, event, and post-event time periods. This will ensure an all-hazards preparedness approach to the historically high incidence of traumatic injuries and polysubstance abuse, coupled with modern challenges such as infectious diseases and acts of intentional violence.References
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