Emergency department active shooter training: A survey of current practices in 2020
disaster planning, emergency medicine, gun violence, workplace violenceAbstract
Background: Shooting events in hospitals are increasing in frequency, with the emergency department (ED) being the most common site of such events. EDs must be prepared for shooting events, but current practices surrounding active shooter preparation are unknown.
Objective: To determine what active shooter training emergency medicine physicians are receiving.
Methods: A survey was developed to assess current practices around active shooter preparation in EDs. The survey was distributed to members of the American College of Emergency Physicians’ Emergency Medicine Practice Research Network. All members of the Emergency Medicine Practice Research Network are currently practicing emergency medicine physicians.
Results: There were 194 respondents. The most common form of training received was online (76/194), followed by lecture (50/194). Only 39 respondents had participated in an active shooter drill. Sixty-five respondents (33 percent) reported having never received any formal active shooter training.
Conclusion: There is a wide array of active shooter training that emergency medicine physicians are receiving, with nearly one-third receiving no training at all.
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