Lessons from the first wave of COVID-19 in Italy: A collection of design strategies to face pandemic situations in healthcare facilities
COVID-19, healthcare facilities, design for health, design guidelines, infection control, human-centeredAbstract
Objectives: This study aims to provide metadesign indications for the improvement of healthcare facilities, emphasizing the role of spatial design in the management of epidemic health emergencies.
Study design: A parallel mixed-method study including literature reviews, survey creation, and survey distribution was performed.
Methods: Data were collected between August and October 2020 capturing information related to the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, utilizing a review of existing literature, a comparison of existing hospital planning guidelines and assessment tools, and distribution of a survey to analyze design changes within selected Italian hospitals.
Results: Among the changes identified, the most frequently identified included the conversion of space into intensive care units, space expansion, and the usage of wayfinding strategies for the reduction of cross-contamination risks. There was limited attention given to solutions with a human-centered approach, and those that addressed physical and psychological well-being of all users, including healthcare staff. The solutions were collected and systematized into a list of metadesign guidelines.
Conclusions: The resulting indications represent a starting point for developing design solutions to aid healthcare facilities in facing future epidemics.
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