Warm-water—A recreational therapy intervention: A case report


  • Tim Passmore, EdD, CTRS/L, FDRT
  • Taylor Gbur, BS, MS
  • Donna Lindenmeier, PhD
  • Taryn Price, PhD, ATC
  • Jonette Passmore, BS, CTRS/L, ATRIC




recreational therapy, warm-water therapy, warm water intervention, recreational therapy intervention


The use of the aquatic environment, as a modality and a setting for treatment, is well documented in healthcare literature.1-13 The application of aquatic interventions by recreational therapists has also been documented but to a lesser extent.14-19 The present case report will add to the recreational therapy literature related to the use of the aquatic environment and provide insight related to a 6-year-old male diagnosed with cerebral palsy and other conditions which have resulted in physical limitations from a southwestern community who participated in a 2-month warm-water intervention program provided by a recreational therapist dually credentialed in aquatic therapy.

Author Biographies

Tim Passmore, EdD, CTRS/L, FDRT

Associate Professor, Graduate & Undergraduate Program Coordinator, Recreational Therapy, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma

Taylor Gbur, BS, MS

Graduate Research Assistant, Recreational Therapy, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma

Donna Lindenmeier, PhD

Associate Professor, Recreation Management & Recreational Therapy, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma

Taryn Price, PhD, ATC

Assistant Professor, Recreation Management & Recreational Therapy, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma

Jonette Passmore, BS, CTRS/L, ATRIC

Adjunct Instructor, Department Recreational Therapy, School of Kinesiology, Applied Health & Recreation, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma


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How to Cite

Passmore, EdD, CTRS/L, FDRT, T., Gbur, BS, MS, T., Lindenmeier, PhD, D., Price, PhD, ATC, T., & Passmore, BS, CTRS/L, ATRIC, J. (2018). Warm-water—A recreational therapy intervention: A case report. American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 17(1), 21–28. https://doi.org/10.5055/ajrt.2018.0151




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