Care staff experiences of facilitating person-centered care and resident involvement through the use of individualized music in dementia care


  • Eva Skrivervik, MHS
  • Linda L. Buettner, PhD, LRT, CTRS†
  • Ingelin Testad, PhD



dementia, individualized music, care staff experiences, resident involvement, individual needs, person-centered care


Introduction: To meet the needs of persons with dementia, adequate psychosocial interventions such as individualized music (IM) therapy is needed through resident involvement and person-centered care.
Aim: The aim of this study was to explore the experience of care staff working with IM in nursing home residents with dementia.
Method: A qualitative, explorative, and descriptive design was used. Semistructured interviews of seven care staff from four nursing homes were carried out.
Result: The main findings included improved person-centered care and resident involvement, categorized in the three main themes: (1) IM in care staff-resident relation, (2) IM as a psychosocial intervention for agitation and restlessness, and (3) IM and job satisfaction in care staff.
Conclusion: These findings suggest that IM can improve facilitation of person-centered care, thus providing an increased focus on resident involvement.

Author Biographies

Eva Skrivervik, MHS

Daycare Center Leader/Volunteer Coordinator, Bergåstjern Nursing Home, N-4016 Stavanger, Norway.

Linda L. Buettner, PhD, LRT, CTRS†

Department of Community and Therapeutic Recreation, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, North Carolina.

Ingelin Testad, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Health Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Stavanger, N-4036 Stavanger, Norway; Director, Regional Centre for Age-Related Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, Stavanger University Hospital, N-4036 Stavanger, Norway.


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How to Cite

Skrivervik, MHS, E., Buettner, PhD, LRT, CTRS†, L. L., & Testad, PhD, I. (2012). Care staff experiences of facilitating person-centered care and resident involvement through the use of individualized music in dementia care. American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 11(2), 39–46.


