Intergenerational science programming: A catalyst for motivation in older adults
Intergenerational, STEM, geriatric, depression, quality of life, motivation, intervention, adult day servicesAbstract
The purpose of this study was to determine if increased use of science processing skills would in turn increase motivation in older adults. There were three complimentary curricular topics that informed this project: intergenerational (IG) programming, natural motivation, and science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) curriculum. For this study, a facilitator in-service intervention was developed to specifically focus on STEM practices in IG programming. Overall, increasing use of science processing skills in the context of an IG program engaged certain natural motivators in older adults. Following the training, the same older adult participants experienced improved life satisfaction with trends in decreasing depression. Increased use of communication-related science processing skills is an effective method to improve well-being among older adults with dementia.References
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