An evaluation of a leisure education intervention for adult male residents in a state minimum-security forensic unit: Leisure resources modules
leisure education, therapeutic recreation, forensic units, curriculum modulesAbstract
This study was the collaborative effort of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse faculty (Ardovino) and therapeutic recreation practitioners (Fahey, Sprecher, and Froh). The intent of the project was to study the effectiveness of a specific leisure education intervention called “leisure resources modules” at the Mendota Mental Health Institute in Madison, Wisconsin. The leisure resources modules were designed and modified by Sprecher, Froh, and Fahey and were implemented by them as an intervention over the past 10 years in a minimum-security forensic unit. The modules studied were overview of leisure resources, use of the telephone book, use of the library, and use of the newspaper. The intervention was evaluated by examining scores from initial and postintervention screens from the past 6 years. These scores measured the competencies of adult males residing in the minimum security unit. Descriptive statistics were derived from the data, and a paired t test showed a significant difference at the 0.01 level, indicating that the leisure resources modules were an effective leisure education intervention for this population.References
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