Mindfully strong evidence-based curriculum: A therapeutic recreation concept design
mindfulness, evidence-based curriculum, traumatic brain injury, depressionAbstract
Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) affect an estimated 10 million people every year and are projected to become a major cause of death and disability.1 Results of TBIs include, but are not limited to, disturbances to mood and cognition, which may make the road toward recovery thoroughly challenging for those who have experienced such trauma. This article examines the possible benefits of a mindfulness evidence-based curriculum and its potential to decrease symptoms of depression in patients with TBIs and increase the use of evidence-based practice in the field of therapeutic recreation. This article also provides a feasible concept design for the development of the Mindfully Strong Curriculum. All session protocols, theoretical foundation, and assessments can be found in the fidelity manual that is open access on the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse therapeutic recreation webpage.
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