Exploring the leisure meaning for staff and residents in community-based residential programs serving individuals with substance use disorders (SUDs)
leisure meaning, substance use disorders, recovery, treatment, residential programsAbstract
Objective: This study sought to compare leisure meaning among staff and residents at community residences for individuals in early recovery from substance use disorders (SUDs).
Design: This study employed a cross sectional survey design using the Leisure Meaning Inventory (LMI) to compare resident and staff leisure meaning.
Setting: Study participants were either working at or living in community residences serving individuals in recovery from SUDs.
Patients and participants: Criterion-based purposeful sampling was used to recruit participants from community residences in Central New York State.
Main outcome measure(s): This study assessed resident and staff’s perceptions of leisure using the LMI.
Results: Following Mann–Whitney U test, residents scored significantly higher in the leisure as a means of passing time (U (N staff = 23, N resident = 31) = 635.000, z = 4.876, p < .05) subscale. Staff scored significantly higher in the leisure as a means of escaping pressure (U (N staff = 23, N resident = 31) = 100.000, z = –4.499, p < .05), subscale and the “I think leisure is an important part of life” (U (N staff = 23, N resident = 31) = 249.000, z = –2.355, p < .05) independent item.
Conclusions: Findings suggest that the attitudinal differences between the two groups may reflect the starkly different amounts of time that each group has available for leisure. As such, recommendations are made for additional leisure-focused services and supports for residents and staff to enhance leisure programing and leisure-related recovery capital at this level of care.
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