Effect of cardio drumming on stress and self-esteem in an inpatient psychiatric hospital
cardio drumming, recreation therapy, severe and persistent mental illness, stress, self-esteemAbstract
Background: Individuals living with serious mental illnesses have profound rates of stress and often poor self-esteem, which may affect their inpatient psychiatric experience. Several interventions have been shown to decrease stress and improve self-esteem; however, few of these interventions have been examined within the inpatient psychiatric setting. Cardio drumming is a novel, engaging full body aerobic intervention that can improve mental and physical health outcomes. The purpose of this study was to examine the outcomes of a cardio drumming intervention on stress and self-esteem among inpatients at a psychiatric facility. The specific aims of this study were to (1) examine the effectiveness of cardio drumming on stress levels and self-esteem scores among psychiatric inpatients and (2) assess demographic differences in stress levels and self-esteem scores.
Methods: A pilot study using a single group pre- and post-test design was conducted with a convenience sample of 64 adult psychiatric inpatients obtained from a 239-bed state psychiatric facility in Kentucky. The cardio drumming intervention consisted of five routines, which is followed by stretching and cool down movements lasting 45 minutes. Participants’ ratings on stress and self-esteem before and after the intervention were obtained. Paired sample t-tests were used to assess changes in the stress and self-esteem scores.
Results: Study participants were mostly male (84.4 percent) and White non-Hispanic (81.3 percent), had a psychotic disorder diagnosis (51.6 percent), and were 36.9 (standard deviation [SD] = 13.5) years of age on average. The mean stress levels of the sample decreased from 2.97 (SD = 1.86) to 1.95 (SD = 1.41), t [63] = 4.30 (p < .0001), before and after the intervention. In a similar fashion, the mean self-esteem scores increased from 3.94 (SD = 1.72) to 4.69 (SD = 1.59), t [63] = 4.11 (p < .0001), before and after the intervention. The decreases in stress scores and increases in self-esteem scores were higher in male participants compared to female participants. Furthermore, the decreases in stress scores were greater among those with a psychotic disorder compared to those without.
Conclusion: Our findings suggest that cardio drumming may be an appropriate intervention to consider as part of recovery-based programing within the inpatient psychiatric setting to improve stress and support self-esteem for patients. Future studies may examine gender and diagnostic differences in the experience of cardio drumming among patients living with serious mental illnesses.
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