Distance education in therapeutic recreation/recreational therapy in the United States





online learning, professional preparation, university programs


Distance education (DE) today is a growing phenomenon in American colleges and universities, almost exclusively in the form of online courses. With the rapid development of DE, it has become a burgeoning force within college and university therapeutic recreation/recreational therapy (TR/RT) programs, at a time that there has been a decline in TR/RT professional preparation programs. DE is certainly a timely and important topic for the TR/RT profession. Yet, the development of DE in TR/RT has been largely neglected in the literature of TR/RT. Within this article, the evolution of DE in TR/RT is traced, and ramifications resulting from the developments of DE in TR/RT are considered.


Author Biographies

David R. Austin, PhD

School of Public Health, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

Bryan P. McCormick, PhD

Department of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


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How to Cite

Austin, D. R., & McCormick, B. P. (2024). Distance education in therapeutic recreation/recreational therapy in the United States. American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 23(1), 41–46. https://doi.org/10.5055/ajrt.0281


