World Health Organization Disability Health Assessment 2.0 for Health Monitoring: Examining the potential use of the WHODAS 2.0 as a health screening tool among older adults in rural North Carolina
World Health Organization, International Classification of Disability, Health and Functioning (ICF), World Health Organization-Disability Assessment Survey 2.0, health monitoring, older adults, aging in placeAbstract
Unless measures are taken, escalating healthcare costs and an aging population will increasingly contribute to financial burdens on federal and state healthcare budgets. With the help of appropriate supports, many older adults can remain in their homes and communities and delay expensive long-term care placements. An important aspect of aging in place is health monitoring so that health issues can be addressed before they escalate. The WHODAS 2.0 is a standardized assessment tool that may be valuable for recreational therapists and others to use to monitor health and functional status of community-dwelling older adults.
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