A global therapeutic recreation discussion: An overview from Rimini, Italy
global therapeutic recreation, National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification, World Leisure OrganizationAbstract
The 2012 World Leisure Congress (hosted by the World Leisure Organization) took place in Rimini, Italy, from September 30 to October 3. The World Leisure Organization currently has 12 global commissions on various topics (eg, children and youth, leisure education, tourism and the environment, and women and gender), which is focused on having global interactions and discussions related to the three main objectives of research, information dissemination, and advocacy.1 The purpose of this article is to summarize the World Leisure Commission on Accessibility and Inclusion academic labor related to the topic of global therapeutic recreation. To this end, the question at hand for this global commission to discuss was as follows: Is the United States National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification (NCTRC) an appropriate credentialing framework for professionals in different countries who are dedicated to working with people with disabilities/special needs in the area of accessibility, inclusion, and therapeutic recreation? The purpose of this article is to share, to the wider United States therapeutic recreation profession, responses and thoughts of members of the global therapeutic recreation commission.
World Leisure Web site: Available at www.worldleisure.org/template.php?id=133&About+Commission. Accessed September 16, 2013.
National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification Web site: Available at http://www.nctrc.com/aboutnctrc.htm#1. Accessed September 16, 2013.
National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification Web site: Available at http://www.nctrc.com/aboutnctrc.htm#2. Accessed September 16, 2013.
Canadian Therapeutic Recreation Association Web site: Available at http://www.canadian-tr.org/Certification.Accessed September 16, 2013.
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