Leisure in hospitals and its interface with health: A study about the reality of a Brazilian city
leisure, health, hospital, hospitalized patientsAbstract
The purpose of this research is to understand the role of leisure in shaping the reality of hospitalized patients in Brazil. The methodology combines both bibliography and field research techniques performed in internment units of three hospitals in the city of Belo Horizonte. The field research consisted of direct observations and semistructured interviews with 30 volunteers, among hospitalized subjects, companions, and health professionals. The data were analyzed qualitatively through iterative analysis. Results show that leisure activities can improve the health status of hospitalized subjects. Its role in the hospital is mainly related to compensatory and utilitarian functions, with contributions to rest, pain, and suffering reduction, expansion of friendship network, creativity, ability of doing critics, of educating sensitivity, through the dissemination of content and cultural practices among the subjects.References
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