Returning to golf after a cerebrovascular accident in collaboration with a PGA golf pro and a recreation therapist
cerebrovascular accident, stroke, leisure, quality of life, community reintegrationAbstract
The purpose of this qualitative research study was to determine the extent to which collaboration between a Professional Golfers’ Association of America (PGA) golf pro and a licensed recreation therapist influenced an experienced golfer's return to participation in the sport postcerebrovascular accident. Qualitative data were obtained through semistructured interviews and observations. Four themes emerged from the data: (a) activity as motivation, (b) the PGA golf pro's understanding of disability, (c) caregiver support of the participant, and (d) changes in social interaction poststroke. The results from this study could have important implications for PGA golf pros and recreation therapists who work with individuals who have a desire to return to golf after a cerebrovascular accident or other disabiling conditions.
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