About the Journal

The Most Respected Name in Climate Change and Health Equity

The Journal of Climate Change and Health Equity presents the latest research on the intersection of climate change and the effects on local and global populations.

The Journal of Climate Change and Health Equity is edited, written, and peer-reviewed by an internationally recognized team of the foremost experts. They include top professionals from the public and private sectors who offer real-world experience and practical solutions and leading academics who provide perspective and analysis on the latest research and studies. Together, they bring you the most thorough, relevant, and useful source of information on climate change and health equity.

The Most Important Thing You Can Do for Yourself and Your Team

Published quarterly, every issue of the Journal of Climate Change and Health Equity is peer-reviewed and packed with invaluable information and insight. Topics include:

  • Climate Change and its impact on the local and global population's health
  • Health Equity and fair equitable access to healthy lives regardless of location, culture or socio-economic status
  • And much more, including a special focus on practical applications to address dispartities and improve lives across the globe.