Characterizing public health emergency perceptions and influential modifiers of willingness to respond among pediatric healthcare staff
willingness to respond, disaster perceptions, pandemic influenza, radiological dispersal device, pediatric staffAbstract
Objectives: The aim of this study was to characterize the public health emergency perceptions and willingness to respond (WTR) of hospital-based pediatric staff and to use these findings to propose a methodology for developing an institution-specific training package to improve response willingness.
Methods: A prospective anonymous web-based survey was conducted at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, including the 180-bed Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, between January and March 2009. In this survey, participants’ attitudes/beliefs regarding emergency response to a pandemic influenza and a radiological dispersal device (RDD or “dirty bomb”) event were assessed.
Results: Of the 1,620 eligible pediatric staff, 246 replies (15.2 percent response rate) were received, compared with an overall staff response rate of 18.4 percent. Characteristics of respondent demographics and professions were similar to those of overall hospital staff. Self-reported WTR was greater for a pandemic influenza than for an RDD event if required (84.6 percent vs 75.1 percent), and if asked, but not required (74.4 percent vs 64.5 percent).The majority of pediatric staff were not confident in their safety at work (pandemic influenza: 51.8 percent and RDD: 76.6 percent), were far less likely to respond if personal protective equipment was unavailable (pandemic influenza: 33.5 percent and RDD: 21.6 percent), and wanted further pre-event preparation and training (pandemic influenza: 89.6 percent and RDD: 82.6 percent). The following six distinct perceived attitudes/beliefs were identified as having institution-specific high impact on response willingness: colleague response, skill mastery, safety getting to work, safety at work, ability to perform duties, and individual response efficacy.
Conclusions: Children represent a uniquely vulnerable population in public health emergencies, and pediatric hospital staff accordingly represent a vital subset of responders distinguished by specialized education, training, clinical skills, and disaster competencies. Even though the majority of pediatric hospital staff report WTR, nearly 15 percent for a pandemic influenza emergency and 25 percent for an RDD event would not respond if required. Other institutions can apply the methodology used here to identify particularly influential response willingness modifiers for pediatric care providers. These insights can inform customized preparedness training for pediatric healthcare workers, through identification of high-impact attitudes/beliefs, and training initiatives focused on addressing these modifiers.
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