Effects of recreational therapy balance training on individuals participating in an adult day care center
recreational therapy, balance training, adult day care center, balance, gait, mobilityAbstract
As the need for effective balance training programs in adult day care centers increases, this study explores the impact of recreational therapy balance training on three participants. Designed to engage core muscles, lower back, and legs, the intervention employs lower-body strength-training exercises to foster improved balance in these individuals. The Timed Up and Go test and BioSway balance measurement system were utilized to evaluate the success of the balance training program. This research emphasizes the importance of aligning strategies, processes, and interventions to cater to adult day care center participants’ unique needs. The results demonstrate that tailored balance training programs can enhance balance and overall gait ability, highlighting the value of such programs in developing and retaining participants’ physical capabilities. However, further research involving a more extensive and diverse population is necessary to corroborate and generalize these findings. This study is based on field research from an adult day care center and validation of results through a quantitative analysis.
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