Recreational therapy’s impact on preschool children: Parent and teacher perceptions
recreational therapy, therapeutic recreation, assessment comparison, early childhood, child developmentAbstract
This study examined the congruence between parental and educator assessments of child development following recreational therapy (RT) interventions in a university child development laboratory (CDL).
Methods: Children classified as developmentally delayed underwent RT treatments for 11 weeks, while parents and teachers administered the Ages and Stages Questionnaire to evaluate developmental advancement.
Results: The Mann–Whitney U test revealed no statistically significant differences in the perspectives of parents and teachers regarding child developmental domains (communication: U = 3,197.000, p = .281; gross motor: U = 2,984.000, p = .766; fine motor: U = 2,594.500, p = .253; problem solving: U = 2,971.000, p = .807; personal–social: U = 2,409.500, p = .069).
Discussion/implications: The findings indicate a widespread agreement between parents and teachers about children’s growth, highlighting the significance of joint efforts between home and school settings. Subsequent research should investigate more intricate methodologies and incorporate qualitative insights to deepen comprehension of caregivers’ perspectives on child development.
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