Trends in nonheroin opioid abuse admissions: 1992-2004
nonheroin opioid abuse, admissions, trendsAbstract
Aims: This study examines trends for treatment admissions for nonheroin opioid abuse from 1992 to 2004.Methods: Databases from the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA, USA): Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) were used to examine the changing characteristics of admissions to treatment for nonheroin opioid abuse. Data are collected annually from each state on characteristics of admissions to treatment for all substances abused in the United States. Using the Mann-Kendall test for examining annual trends, we determined any significant trend changes by modeling data for every 2 years of TEDS information from 1992 to 2004.
Results: We found significant changes for admissions to substance abuse treatment from 1992 to 2004. Overall, nonheroin opioid admissions to treatment have increased, specifically among adolescents. Other significant trends included an increase in the never-married group admitted, a higher rate of psychiatric problems for nonheroin opioid abuse admissions, changes in the treatment services and significant associations between age of first use of marijuana and methamphetamine, and subsequent nonheroin opioid abuse admissions.
Conclusion: Characteristics of admissions to treatment are changing over time and identify an admitted treatment group that is historically different from heroin abusers. These findings will give providers information about who is seeking treatment for nonheroin opiate abuse. Altered treatment strategies that target the changing population who seek treatment for nonheroin opioid abuse need to be universally available.
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