Evaluation of cognitive functioning in 101 patients before opiate detoxification: Implications in setting up therapeutic strategies
detoxification, rehabilitation, cognitive function, addictionAbstract
Many studies have brought to light the facts that repeated use of drugs significantly influences one’s cognitivefunctions, and that cognitive problems could interfere directly with one’s capacity to participate in a rehabilitation program. In this research, we used the Global Deterioration Scale (GDS) to assess the cognitive status of 101 hospitalized patients in an opiate detoxification program. The results reveal that a major-ity of the tested patients present cognitive abnormalities to varying degrees of severity. Furthermore, these cognitive deficits are correlated withfour Addiction Severity Index (ASI) scales (medical, alcohol use, drug use, and psychiatry, respectively). Considering the results, because cognition is a major issue in detoxification and rehabilitation programs, simple cognitive screening (as with the GDS) coupled with a particular interest in some aspects of a patient’s anamnesis could lead to better management of opiate-dependentpatients.References
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