Does familiarity with CDC guidelines, continuing education, and provider characteristics influence adherence to chronic pain management practices and opioid prescribing?
chronic pain, 2016 CDC guideline, opioid prescribing, provider practiceAbstract
Objectives: (1) To assess providers’ experience and knowledge of chronic noncancer pain (CNCP) management. (2) To assess providers’ utilization of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 2016 Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain. (3) To assess the influence of the 2016 CDC guideline on provider confidence in managing CNCP and adherence to the CDC recommendations.
Methods: A cross-sectional, web-based survey conducted with 417 Oregon prescribing providers, divided into three continuing medical education (CME) groups composed of minimal (0-3), moderate (4-10), and high (≥11) hours of training. Results: The three CME groups were associated with increased use of CDC opioid recommended practices (29.4, 34.2, 38.8; p = 0.001; scale 0-50), opioid conversion confidence (5.5, 6.5, 7.4; p < 0.001; scale 0-9), and confidence in pain management (5.5, 5.9, 6.9; p < 0.001, scale 0-9). Slightly more providers utilized CDC recommended practices than did not (57 vs 43 percent). However, CME groups differed substantially in utilization of CDC practices (42 vs 57 vs 72 percent; p < 0.001). Neither providers’ profession (physician vs nurse practitioner [NP]) nor geographic setting (urban vs rural) showed differences in use of recommended practices or general confident in pain management (all p > 0.05); however, physicians were slightly more confident in opioid dose conversion than NPs (6.9 vs 5.9; p < 0. 001, scale 0-9).
Conclusions: Higher hours of recent CME positively benefit provider confidence in pain management and utilization of CDC recommended practices. NPs and rural providers were equivalent to their physician and urban counterparts on confidence and adherence to CDC practices, with minor exceptions.
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