Communication between nurse care managers and patients who take opioids for chronic pain: Strategies for exploring aberrant behavior
opioids, chronic pain, primary care, nurse care managerAbstract
Objective: One approach to potential misuse of prescription opioids by patients with chronic pain is team-based collaborative primary care, with primary care visits complemented by frequent visits with nurse care managers (NCMs) specializing in addiction care. However, little is known about the communication strategies NCMs employ in these visits. This study aimed to describe strategies NCMs used with patients when discussing aberrancies encountered during opioid monitoring.
Design: Observational study of NCM-patient interactions. Patients' primary care providers had been randomized to the treatment arm of a study evaluating an intervention, of which NCM visits were part, to change opioid prescribing patterns. The overall intervention was found to be successful.
Setting: Four primary care settings.
Participants: Two NCMs and 41 patients.
Main outcome measure: Forty one interactions between two NCMs and 41 unique patients were directly observed, and the detailed field notes coded for strategies using conventional content analysis.
Results: Five themes describing strategies that NCMs use to navigate aberrant patient behavior emerged: (1) NCM develops therapeutic relationship with patient; (2) NCM encourages adherence to monitoring strategies by contextualizing intensive opioid management for patient; (3) NCM inquires into discrepancies between patient's narrative and objective data to further understand aberrancy; (4) NCM assesses patient's medication use and pain to obtain more information about aberrancy and determine risk for opioid misuse; and (5) NCM educates patient and makes recommendations to guide appropriate medication use.
Conclusions: These findings provide a potential model for the replication of intensive care management strategies utilizing NCMs in primary care.
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