The role of multimodal analgesia in preventing the development of chronic postsurgical pain and reducing postoperative opioid use
opioids, chronic postsurgical pain, hyperalgesiaAbstract
Chronic postsurgical pain (CPSP) is a possible complication of various surgical procedures, which can impair patients' quality of life while also contributing to chronic opioid use. Multiple biopsychosocial factors put patients at risk for CPSP. Multimodal analgesia with the use of various pharmacologic and regional anesthetic techniques can help reduce the incidence and severity of CPSP. However, the relationship between various perioperative analgesic strategies and the development of CPSP is not fully understood. Although the use of multimodal analgesia will not automatically prevent CPSP and/or prolonged opioid consumption, there is potential to do so, especially by means of regional techniques.
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