In Memorial: Professor Gavril Pasternak
It is with sadness and compassion that I write this editorial in the memory of Professor Gavril Pasternak. The field of Science, Pain Medicine, Neurology, Pharmacology, and Opioid Science and Pharmacology lost a world leader and pioneer in all of these areas, this February 2019. On behalf of the Journal of Opioid Management, the Editorial Board, the Publisher, the International Conference on Opioids, and as Editor-in-Chief, I am honored to give tribute to the life and person of Dr. Gavril Pasternak.
To summarize the life and work of Dr. Pasternak in a few pages is not possible, but this author is pleased to try and present some important highlights. Dr. Pasternak graduated from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and then completed a residency in Neurology also at Hopkins. He completed Fellowship work at Johns Hopkins in the laboratory of Dr. Sol Snyder in Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. Thus, Dr. Pasternak was both a true clinician and scientist, always using science to help treat patients with pain using newer and better methods.
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Pasternak GW, Pan YX: Mix and match: Heterodimers and opioid tolerance. Neuron. 2011; 69(1): 6-8.
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Pasternak GW: Mu opioid pharmacology: 40 years to the Promised Land. Adv Pharmacol. 2018; 82: 261-291.
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Ling GS, MacLeod JM, Lee S, et al.: Separation of morphine analgesia from physical dependence. Science. 1984; 226(4673): 462-464.
Ling GS, Spiegel K, Lockhart SH, Pasternak GW: Separation of opioid analgesia from respiratory depression: Evidence for different receptor mechanisms. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1985; 232(1): 149-155.
Majumdar S, Grinnell S, Le Rouzic V, et al.: Truncated G protein- coupled mu opioid receptor MOR-1 splice variants are targets for highly potent opioid analgesics lacking side effects. Proc Natl Acad Sci. USA. 2011; 108: 19776-19783.
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Lu Z, Xu J, Xu M, et al.: Truncated m-opioid receptors with 6 transmembrane domains are essential for opioid analgesia. Anesth Analg. 2018; 126(3): 1050-1057.
Pasternak GW, Carroll-Buatti M, Spiegel K: The binding and analgesic properties of a sigma opiate, SKF 10,047. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1981; 219(1): 192-198
Chien CC, Pasternak GW: Sigma antagonists potentiate opioid analgesia in rats. Neurosci Lett. 1995; 190(2): 137-139.
Spiegel K, Kalb R, Pasternak GW: Analgesic activity of tricyclic antidepressants. Ann Neurol. 1983; 13(4): 462-465.
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Zelcer S, Kolesnikov Y, Kovalyshyn I, et al.: Selective potentiation of opioid analgesia by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Brain Res. 2005; 1040(1-2): 151-156.
Bolan EA, Tallarida RJ, Pasternak GW: Synergy between mu opioid ligands: Evidence for functional interactions among mu opioid receptor subtypes. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2002; 303(2): 557-562.
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Jeevendra Martyn JA, Mao J, Bittner EA: Opioid tolerance in critical illness. N Engl J Med. 2019; 380: 365-378.
Atigari DV, Uprety R, Pasternak GW, et al.: MP1104, a mixed kappa-delta opioid receptor agonist has anti-cocaine properties with reduced side-effects in rats. Neuropharmacology. 2019; Feb 13. Pii: S0028-3908. (Epub ahead of print)
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