A multicomponent intervention to improve adherence to opioid prescribing and monitoring guidelines in primary care
chronic opioid management, primary care, electronic health record (EHR)Abstract
Objective: Guidelines for appropriate management of chronic opioid therapy are underutilized by primary care physicians (PCPs). The authors hypothesized that developing a multicomponent, team-based opioid management system with electronic health record (EHR) support would allow our clinicians to improve adherence to chronic opioid prescribing and monitoring guidelines.
Design: This was a retrospective pre-post study.
Setting: The authors performed this intervention at our large, urban, academic primary care practice.
Patients, participants: All patients with the diagnosis of “chronic pain, opioid requiring (ICD-10 F11.20)” on their primary care EHR problem lists were included in this study.
Intervention: The authors implemented a five-pronged strategy to improve our system of opioid prescribing, including (1) a patient registry with regular dissemination of reports to PCPs; (2) standardization of policies regarding opioid prescribing and monitoring; (3) development of a risk-assessment algorithm and risk-stratified monitoring guidelines; (4) a team-based approach to care with physician assistant care managers; and (5) an EHR innovation to facilitate communication and guideline adherence.
Main outcome measures: The authors measured percent adherence to opioid prescribing guidelines, including annual patient-provider agreements, biannual urine drug screens (UDSs), and prescription monitoring program (PMP) verification.
Results: Between September 2015 and September 2016, the percentage of patients on chronic opioid therapy with a signed controlled substances agreement within the preceding year increased from 46 to 76 percent (p < 0.0001), while the percentage of patients with a UDS done within the past 6 months rose from 23 to 79 percent (p < 0.0001). The percentage of patients whose state PMPs profile had been checked by a primary care team member in the past year rose from 45 to 97 percent (p < 0.0001).
Conclusion: A comprehensive strategy to standardize chronic opioid prescribing in our primary care practice coincided with an increase in adherence to opioid management guidelines.
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