Associations between public health indicators and injecting prescription opioids by prescription opioid abusers in substance abuse treatment
Objective: To determine what, if any, public health and societal impacts are associated specifically with injection of prescription opioids. Design: Cross-sectional observational study. Setting: Five hundred forty treatment facilities in 35 states across the United States performing Addiction Severity Index-Multimedia Version (ASI-MV) assessments. Participants: Adult patients (29,459) who reported past 30-day abuse of any prescription opioid on the ASI-MV assessment between January 2007 and January 2011. Main outcome measures: The public health indicators selected for this study were liver disease, HIV/AIDS status, recent visit to an emergency room, treatment for pain, treatment for overdosing, homelessness, residence with alcohol/substance abuser, and unemployment. Results: Prescription opioid injection was significantly associated with health problems, psychosocial problems, and utilization of medical services. Conclusions: This study demonstrates an approach to measure the potential impact of injecting prescription opioids on public health indicators. Findings indicate a positive association between injection of prescription opioids and public health indicators suggesting a need for prescription opioid formulations that may inhibit injection of these medications. Keywords: prescription drug injection, public health, correlates DOI:10.5055/jom.2013.0142
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