A multidimensional Rasch analysis of the screener and opioid assessment for patients with pain-revised
Rasch analysis, SOAAP-R, psychometrics, dimensionalityAbstract
Objective: Pilot study to assess psychometric indices of the screener and opioid assessment for patients with pain-revised (SOAPP-R ©) with item response theory.
Design: Correlational.
Setting: Patients.
Outcome measures: The SOAPP-R©, the pain self-efficacy questionnaire (PSE-Q), and the patient health questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) and a demographic questionnaire.
Results: A three-dimensional model provided the best fit for the SOAPP-R© item responses, with scales entitled drug-alcohol concerns, pain medication, and emotional stress; reliabilities were 0.77, 0.71, and 0.80 for those three scales. Significant correlations were found with the PSE-Q, the PHQ-9, and the SPQ for the drug-alcohol scale but not for the two remaining scales.
Conclusions: The SOAPP-R© showed invariance and support for validity, but with a three-dimensional scale structure.
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