Reduction in Schedule II opioid prescribing by primary care providers, orthopedic and general surgeons, and pain management specialists following the implementation of a State House Bill and an Institutional Controlled Substance Task Force
opioids, primary care providers, orthopedic surgery, general surgery, prescribing practices, morphine milligram equivalent, addictionAbstract
Objective: Prescription opioid misuse represents a social and economic challenge in the United States. We evaluated Schedule II opioid prescribing practices by primary care providers (PCPs), orthopedic and general surgeons, and pain management specialists.
Design: Prospective evaluation of prescribing practices of PCPs, orthopedic and general surgeons, and pain management specialists over 5 years (October 1, 2014-September 30, 2019) in an outpatient setting.
Methods: An analysis of Schedule II opioid prescribing following the implementation of federal and state guidelines and evidence-based standards at our institution.
Results: There were significantly more PCPs, orthopedic and general surgeons, and pain management specialists with a significantly increased number who prescribed Schedule II opioids, whereas there was a simultaneous significant decline in the average number of Schedule II opioid prescriptions per provider, Schedule II opioid pills prescribed per provider, and Schedule II opioid pills prescribed per patient by providers. The average number of Schedule II opioid prescriptions with a quantity >90 and Opana/Oxycontin prescriptions per PCP, orthopedic surgeon, and pain management specialist significantly decreased. The total morphine milligram equivalent (MME)/day of Schedule II opioids ordered by PCPs, orthopedic and general surgeons, and pain management specialists significantly declined. The ages of the providers remained consistent throughout the study.
Conclusions: This study reports the implementation of federal and state regulations and institutional evidence-based guidelines into primary care and medical specialty practices to reduce the number of Schedule II opioids prescribed. Further research is warranted to determine alternative therapies to Schedule II opioids that may alleviate a patient’s pain without initiating or exacerbating a potentially lethal opioid addiction.
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