A program evaluation of Arkansas Improving Multidisciplinary Pain Care and Treatment (AR-IMPACT)
opioids, pain management, interdisciplinary, interprofessional health careAbstract
Objective: Arkansas Improving Multidisciplinary Pain Care and Treatment (AR-IMPACT) is an interprofessional team that delivers televideo case conferences to help providers optimize treatment of pain using nonopioid, evidence-based therapies. This article assesses AR-IMPACT using the RE-AIM (reach, efficacy, adoption, implementation, maintenance) framework.
Design: A cross-sectional study.
Setting: Large, academic medical center.
Participants: Healthcare providers.
Interventions: Televideo case conferences.
Main outcome measures: Reach was evaluated by the number of participants, professions represented, and counties/states in which providers resided. Efficacy was assessed via a participant evaluation survey. Adoption was evaluated by calculating the number of repeat participants and soliciting information on barriers to adoption of conference recommendations in clinical practice using the participant evaluation survey. Implementation was evaluated by calculating the time and cost burden of the program.
Results: Reach was widespread; continuing education (CE) credits have been claimed by 395 providers in 54 of the 75 counties in Arkansas and 18 states outside Arkansas. For efficacy, the majority of providers noted increases in their knowledge due to AR-IMPACT (89.6 percent). Like reach, adoption was also extensive; approximately 42 percent of AR-IMPACT participants attended more than one conference, and close to 56 percent of participants noted no barriers to adopting the changes discussed in the conferences. With implementation, the time requirements for developing a case conference ranged from 2 to 4 hours, and the cost per CE credit was $137, which is on par with other programs.
Conclusions: AR-IMPACT was successful, particularly in reach and efficacy. Entities that implement programs similar to AR-IMPACT will likely experience extensive uptake by providers.
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