Evaluation of workplace opioid prevention and response training for union and employer instructors and leadership
workplace training, substance use, program evaluation, instructor training, leadershipAbstract
Objective: Opioids and the Workplace Prevention and Response (OWPR) Train-the-Trainer (TTT) and Leadership programs were piloted to improve trainees’ abilities to conduct opioid awareness training and to introduce policies and programs in their workplaces.
Methods: The TTT (N = 54) and Leadership (N = 19) pilot trainees were administered voluntary pre- and post-training surveys and observed for discussion on knowledge and confidence regarding teaching and on workplace policies and workplace injury prevention related to opioids.
Results: Percentage agreement with correct responses for all TTT and 10 out of 14 (71.4 percent) Leadership knowledge and confidence questions increased significantly from pre- to post-test.
Conclusion: We found some evidence that the OWPR TTT and Leadership training programs and materials were effective in improving trainee's abilities to conduct opioid awareness training and to introduce policies and programs to address opioids and the workplace.
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