Patient's perceptions of buprenorphine use receiving treatment for cancer
buprenorphine, cancer, palliative, stigma, addictionAbstract
Objective: To assess knowledge and attitudes toward opioids and buprenorphine (BUP) of patients with cancer.
Design: Single-center, single-intervention telephone survey of patients under palliative care at the cancer center.
Outcomes: Forty percent of the participants recognized the word “buprenorphine,” and 28 percent recognized BUP indication for addiction treatment. Four percent addressed potential BUP misuse. None recognized BUP indication for pain. Seventy-one percent were not worried about addiction or dependency while using opioids to treat their cancer-related-pain, and 73 percent were not worried about being stigmatized in the healthcare setting about their pain regimens. Patients on opioids for less than 3 months were most strongly correlated with the fear of addiction and stigma.
Conclusion: This study identifies patients’ knowledge gap regarding BUP products for pain, which gives professionals the opportunity to provide education. This study identified that patients are most worried early on about addiction and stigma when using opioids.
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