Influence of patient trust in provider and health literacy on receipt of guideline-concordant chronic opioid therapy in HIV care settings
HIV, opioids, health literacy, patient trust, guideline-concordant careAbstract
Objective: Persons with HIV (PWH) frequently receive opioids for pain. Health literacy and trust in provider may impact patient–provider communication, and thus receipt of guideline-concordant opioid monitoring. We analyzed baseline data of HIV-positive patients on chronic opioid therapy (COT) in a trial to improve guideline-concordant COT in HIV clinics.
Design: Retrospective cohort study.
Setting: Two hospital-based safety-net HIV clinics in Boston and Atlanta.
Patients and participants: A cohort of patients who were ≥18 years, HIV-positive, had received ≥ 3 opioid prescriptions from a study site ≥21 days apart within a 6-month period during the prior year and had ≥1 visit at the HIV clinic in the prior 18 months.
Main outcome measures: Adjusted logistic regression models examined whether health literacy and trust in provider (scale scored 11-55, higher indicates more trust) were associated with: (1) ≥ 2 urine drug tests (UDTs) and (2) presence of an opioid treatment agreement.
Results: Among 166 PWH, mean trust in provider was 47.4 (SD 6.6); 117 (70 percent) had adequate health literacy. Fifty patients (30 percent) had ≥ 2 UDTs and 20 (12 percent) had a treatment agreement. The adjusted odds ratio (aOR) for a one-point increase in trust in provider was 0.97 for having ≥ 2 UDTs (95 percent CI 0.92-1.02) and 1.03 for opioid treatment agreement (95 percent CI 0.95-1.12). The aOR for adequate health literacy was 0.89 for having ≥ 2 UDTs (95 percent CI 0.42-1.88) and 1.66 for an opioid treatment agreement (95 percent CI 0.52-5.31).
Conclusions: Health literacy and trust in provider were not associated with chronic opioid therapy quality outcomes.
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