Examining the relationship between head trauma and opioid use disorder: A systematic review
opioid misuse, opioid, opioid use disorder, traumatic brain injury, head traumaAbstract
Objective: To examine recent literature and determine common clinical risk factors between antecedent traumatic brain injury (TBI) and the following development of opioid misuse and provide a framework for clinical identification of at-risk subjects and evaluate potential treatment implications within this association.
Design: A comprehensive systematic literature search of PubMed was conducted for articles between 2000 and December 2022. Studies were included if the human participant had any head trauma exposure and any chronic opioid use or dependence. After eligibility criteria were applied, 16 studies were assessed for thematic trends.
Results: Opioid use disorder (OUD) risks are heightened in cohorts with head trauma exposed to opioids while in the hospital, specifically with tramadol and oxycodone. Chronic pain was the most common predictor of long-term OUD, and continuous somatic symptoms associated with the TBI can lead to long-term opioid usage. Individuals who present with coexisting psychiatric conditions pose significantly more risk associated with a higher risk of long-term opioid use.
Conclusion: Findings indicate that therapists and clinicians must consider a risk profile for persons with TBI and follow an integrated care approach to account for mental health, prior substance misuse, presenting somatic symptoms, and current medication regimen during evaluation.
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