Patient perceptions of opioid use disorder, drug and alcohol dependence
substance use, opioid use disorder, electronic health records, policy, patient perceptionsAbstract
Background: As the opioid epidemic continues, it behooves healthcare systems and practitioners to examine factors affecting access to care and treatment, as well as understand patient perceptions of opioid use disorder (OUD).
Methods: This was a cross-sectional sample of 124 patients with an OUD diagnosis identified using International Classification of Disease codes in electronic health records. Patients responded to a qualitative survey regarding self-perceptions and history of OUD, alcohol, and substance use.
Results: A total of 46 percent of the patients who had an OUD diagnosis in their medical record denied having OUD.
Discussion: This showed clear differences between provider and patient perceptions, as well as potential system error. To reduce stigma as well as ensure proper pain management, providers and patients need clear and transparent individualized care plans for each patient with an OUD diagnosis, as well as a frequent review of electronic records and diagnoses.
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