Opioid therapy in children and adolescents: A physician's guide to risk assessment, monitoring, and mitigation of abuse
adolescents, diversion, pain management, opioid abuse, opioid misuse, drug screening, monitoring, risk assessmentAbstract
After conducting a thorough literature search of adolescent opioid use from 1990 until present, it became readily apparent that the last decade has witnessed an increase in the number of opioid-related drug overdoses and deaths in the adolescent population, analogous to the epidemic in the adult population. Most of these cases have resulted from prescription medication misuse. Practitioners who use controlled substances to treat pain in pediatric and adolescent patients want to limit harm by carefully assessing their patients’ risk of abuse and diversion. In this article, the authors present current knowledge and recommendations for the mitigation of aberrant prescription drug use in the pediatric population.
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