Evaluating the abuse potential of opioids and abuse-deterrent opioid formulations: A review of clinical study methodology
abuse-deterrent, abuse potential, abuse liability, opioid, pharmacodynamicsAbstract
With the development of opioid abuse-deterrent formulations (ADFs), there is a need to conduct well-designed human abuse potential studies to evaluate the effectiveness of their deterrent properties. Although these types of studies have been conducted for many years, largely to evaluate inherent abuse potential of a molecule and inform drug scheduling, methodological approaches have varied across studies. The focus of this review is to describe current “best practices” and methodological adaptations required to assess abuse-deterrent opioid formulations for regulatory submissions. A literature search was conducted in PubMed® to review methodological approaches (study conduct and analysis) used in opioid human abuse potential studies. Search terms included a combination of “opioid,” “opiate,” “abuse potential,” “abuse liability,” “liking,” AND “pharmacodynamic,” and only studies that evaluated single doses of opioids in healthy, nondependent individuals with or without prior opioid experience were included. Seventy-one human abuse potential studies meeting the prespecified criteria were identified, of which 21 studies evaluated a purported opioid ADF. Based on these studies, key methodological considerations were reviewed and summarized according to participant demographics, study prequalification, comparator and dose selection, route of administration and drug manipulation, study blinding, outcome measures and training, safety, and statistical analyses. The authors recommend careful consideration of key elements (eg, a standardized definition of a “nondependent recreational user”), as applicable, and offer key principles and “best practices” when conducting human abuse potential studies for opioid ADFs. Careful selection of appropriate study conditions is dependent on the type of ADF technology being evaluated.
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Colucci SV, Perrino PJ, Shram M, et al.: Abuse potential of intravenous oxycodone/naloxone solution in nondependent recreational drug users. Clin Drug Investig. 2014; 34 (6): 421-429.
Harris SC, Perrino PJ, Smith I, et al.: Abuse potential, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and safety of intranasally administered crushed oxycodone HCl abuse-deterrent controlled-release tablets in recreational opioid users. J Clin Pharmacol. 2014; 54 (4): 468-477.
Setnik B, Roland CL, Cleveland JM, et al.: The abuse potential of Remoxy®, an extended-release formulation of oxycodone, compared with immediate- and extended-release oxycodone. Pain Med. 2011; 12 (4): 618-631.
Setnik B, Goli V, Levy-Cooperman N, et al.: Assessing the subjective and physiological effects of intranasally administered crushed extended-release morphine formulations with and without a sequestered naltrexone core in recreational opioid users. Pain Res Manag. 2013; 18 (4): e55-e62.
Setnik B, Sommerville K, Goli V, et al.: Assessment of pharmacodynamics effects following oral administration of crushed morphine sulfate and naltrexone hydrochloride extended-release capsules compared with crushed morphine sulfate controlled-release tablets and placebo in nondependent recreational opioid users. Pain Med. 2013; 14 (8): 1173-1186.
Schoedel KA, Rolleri RL, Faulknor JY, et al.: Assessing subjective and physiologic effects following intranasal administration of a new formulation of immediate release oxycodone HCl (Oxecta TM) tablets in nondependent recreational opioid users. J Opioid Manag. 2012; 8 (5): 315-327.
Stauffer J, Setnik B, Sokolowska M, et al.: Subjective effects and safety of whole and tampered morphine sulfate and naltrexone hydrochloride (ALO-01) extended-release capsules versus morphine solution and placebo in experienced non-dependent opioid users: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study. Clin Drug Investig. 2009; 29 (12): 777-790.
Webster LR, Rolleri RL, Pixton GC, et al.: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled and active-controlled study to assess the relative abuse potential of oxycodone HCl-niacin tablets compared with oxycodone alone in nondependent, recreational opioid users. Subst Abuse Rehabil. 2012; 3: 101-113.
Webster LR, Johnson FK, Stauffer J, et al.: Impact of intravenous naltrexone on intravenous morphine-induced high, drug liking, and euphoric effects in experienced, nondependent male opioid users. Drugs R D. 2011; 11 (3): 259-275.
Backonja M, Webster LR, Setnik B, et al.: Intravenous abuse potential study of oxycodone alone or in combination with naltrexone in nondependent recreational opioid users. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2016; 42 (5): 539-549.
Darwish M, Bond M, Ma Y, et al.: Abuse potential with oral route of administration of a hydrocodone extended-release tablet formulated with abuse-deterrence technology in nondependent, recreational opioid users. Pain Med. 2017; 18 (1): 61-77.
Harris SC, Cipriano A, Colucci SV, et al.: Intranasal abuse potential, pharmacokinetics, and safety of once-daily, singleentity, extended-release hydrocodone (HYD) in recreational opioid users. Pain Med. 2016; 17 (5): 820-831.
Harris SC, Cipriano A, Kapil RP, et al.: Oral abuse potential, pharmacokinetics, and safety of once-daily, single-entity, extended-release hydrocodone (HYD) in recreational opioid users. Pain Med. 2016 [Epub ahead of print].
Kopecky EA, Fleming AB, Levy-Cooperman N, et al.: Oral human abuse potential of Oxycodone DETERx® (Xtampza® ER). J Clin Pharmacol. 2017; 57 (4): 500-512.
Setnik B, Bramson C, Bass A, et al.: Intranasal administration of crushed ALO-02 (extended-release oxycodone with sequestered naltrexone): A randomized, controlled abuse-potential study in nondependent recreational opioid users. J Clin Pharmacol. 2015; 55 (12): 1351-1361.
Setnik B, Bass A, Bramson C, et al.: Abuse potential study of ALO-02 (extended-release oxycodone surrounding sequestered naltrexone) compared with immediate-release oxycodone administered orally to nondependent recreational opioid users. Pain Med. 2017; 18 (6): 1077-1088.
Smith MD, Webster LR, Lawler J, et al.: Human abuse potential of an abuse-deterrent (AD), extended-release (ER) morphine product candidate (morphine-ADER injection-molded tablets) versus extended-release morphine administered orally in nondependent recreational opioid users. Pain Med. 2017; 18 (5): 898-907.
Webster LR, Kopecky EA, Smith MD, et al.: A randomized, double-blind, double-dummy study to evaluate the intranasal human abuse potential and pharmacokinetics of a novel extended-release abuse-deterrent formulation of oxycodone. Pain Med. 2016; 17 (6): 1112-1130.
Webster LR, Pantaleon C, Shah MS, et al.: A randomized, double-blind, double-dummy, placebo-controlled, intranasal drug liking study on a novel abuse-deterrent formulation of morphine-morphine ARER. Pain Med. 2016 [Epub ahead of print].
Webster LR, Smith MD, Lawler J, et al.: Human abuse potential of an abuse-deterrent (AD), extended-release (ER) morphine product candidate (Morphine-ADER Injection-Molded Tablets) vs extended-release morphine administered intranasally in nondependent recreational opioid users. Pain Med. 2016 [Epub ahead of print].
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Shram MJ, Sathyan G, Khanna S, et al.: Evaluation of the abuse potential of extended release hydromorphone versus immediate release hydromorphone. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2010; 30 (1): 25-33.
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Backonja M, Webster LR, Setnik B, et al.: Intravenous abuse potential study of oxycodone alone or in combination with naltrexone in nondependent recreational opioid users. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2016; 42 (5): 539-549.
Baylon GJ, Kaplan HL, Somer G, et al.: Comparative abuse liability of intravenously administered remifentanil and fentanyl. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2000; 20 (6): 597-606.
Colucci SV, Perrino PJ, Shram M, et al.: Abuse potential of intravenous oxycodone/naloxone solution in nondependent recreational drug users. Clin Drug Investig. 2014; 34 (6): 421-429.
Darwish M, Bond M, Ma Y, et al.: Potential with oral route of administration of a hydrocodone extended-release tablet formulated with abuse-deterrence technology in nondependent, recreational opioid users. Pain Med. 2016 [Epub ahead of print].
Devarakonda K, Kostenbader K, Zheng Y, et al.: Human abuse potential of immediate-release/extended-release versus immediate-release hydrocodone bitartrate/acetaminophen: A randomized controlled trial in recreational users of prescription opioids. Postgrad Med. 2015; 127 (1): 13-21.
Duke AN, Bigelow GE, Lanier RK, et al.: Discriminative stimulus effects of tramadol in humans. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2011; 338 (1): 255-262.
Harris SC, Perrino PJ, Smith I, et al.: Abuse potential, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and safety of intranasally administered crushed oxycodone HCl abuse-deterrent controlled-release tablets in recreational opioid users. J Clin Pharmacol. 2014; 54 (4): 468-477.
Harris SC, Cipriano A, Colucci SV, et al.: Intranasal abuse potential, pharmacokinetics, and safety of once-daily, singleentity, extended-release hydrocodone (HYD) in recreational opioid users. Pain Med. 2016; 17 (5): 820-831.
Harris SC, Cipriano A, Kapil RP, et al.: Oral abuse potential, pharmacokinetics, and safety of once-daily, single-entity, extended-release hydrocodone (HYD) in recreational opioid users. Pain Med. 2016 [Epub ahead of print].
Kopecky EA, Fleming AB, Levy-Cooperman N, et al.: Oral human abuse potential of Oxycodone DETERx® (Xtampza® ER). J Clin Pharmacol. 2016 [Epub ahead of print].
Morton T, Kostenbader K, Montgomery J, et al.: Comparison of subjective effects of extended-release versus immediate-release oxycodone/acetaminophen tablets in healthy nondependent recreational users of prescription opioids: A randomized trial. Postgrad Med. 2014; 126 (4): 20-32.
Preston KL, Bigelow GE: Drug discrimination assessment of agonist-antagonist opioids in humans: A three-choice saline-hydromorphone-butorphanol procedure. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1994; 271 (1): 48-60.
Schoedel KA, McMorn S, Chakraborty B, et al.: Positive and negative subjective effects of extended-release oxymorphone versus controlled-release oxycodone in recreational opioid users. J Opioid Manag. 2011; 7 (3): 179-192.
Schoedel KA, Rolleri RL, Faulknor JY, et al.: Assessing subjective and physiologic effects following intranasal administration of a new formulation of immediate release oxycodone HCl (Oxecta™) tablets in nondependent recreational opioid users. J Opioid Manag. 2012; 8 (5): 315-327.
Setnik B, Roland CL, Cleveland JM, et al.: The abuse potential of Remoxy®, an extended-release formulation of oxycodone, compared with immediate- and extended-release oxycodone. Pain Med. 2011; 12 (4): 618-631.
Setnik B, Goli V, Levy-Cooperman N, et al.: Assessing the subjective and physiological effects of intranasally administered crushed extended-release morphine formulations with and without a sequestered naltrexone core in recreational opioid users. Pain Res Manag. 2013; 18 (4): e55 – e62.
Setnik B, Sommerville K, Goli V, et al.: Assessment of pharmacodynamics effects following oral administration of crushed morphine sulfate and naltrexone hydrochloride extendedrelease capsules compared with crushed morphine sulfate controlled-release tablets and placebo in nondependent recreational opioid users. Pain Med. 2013; 14 (8): 1173-1186.
Setnik B, Bramson C, Bass A, et al.: Intranasal administration of crushed ALO-02 (extended-release oxycodone with sequestered naltrexone): A randomized, controlled abuse-potential study in nondependent recreational opioid users. J Clin Pharmacol. 2015; 55 (12): 1351-1361.
Setnik B, Bass A, Bramson C, et al.: Abuse potential study of ALO-02 (extended-release oxycodone surrounding sequestered naltrexone) compared with immediate-release oxycodone administered orally to nondependent recreational opioid users. Pain Med. 2016 [Epub ahead of print].
Shram MJ, Sathyan G, Khanna S, et al.: Evaluation of the abuse potential of extended release hydromorphone versus immediate release hydromorphone. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2010; 30 (1): 25-33.
Smith MD, Webster LR, Lawler J, et al.: Human abuse potential of an abuse-deterrent (AD), extended-release (ER) morphine product candidate (morphine-ADER injection-molded tablets) versus extended-release morphine administered orally in nondependent recreational opioid users. Pain Med. 2016 [Epub ahead of print].
Stauffer J, Setnik B, Sokolowska M, et al.: Subjective effects and safety of whole and tampered morphine sulfate and naltrexone hydrochloride (ALO-01) extended-release capsules versus morphine solution and placebo in experienced non-dependent opioid users: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study. Clin Drug Investig. 2009; 29 (12): 777-790.
Stoops WW, Hatton KW, Lofwall MR, et al.: Intravenous oxycodone, hydrocodone, and morphine in recreational opioid users: Abuse potential and relative potencies. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2010; 212 (2): 193-203.
Tompkins DA, Lanier RK, Harrison JA, et al.: Human abuse liability assessment of oxycodone combined with ultra-low-dose naltrexone. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2010; 210 (4): 471-480.
Walsh SL, Chausmer AE, Strain EC, et al.: Evaluation of the mu and kappa opioid actions of butorphanol in humans through differential naltrexone blockade. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2008; 196 (1): 143-155.
Walsh SL, Nuzzo PA, Lofwall MR, et al.: The relative abuse liability of oral oxycodone, hydrocodone and hydromorphone assessed in prescription opioid abusers. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2008; 98 (3): 191-202.
Webster LR, Johnson FK, Stauffer J, et al.: Impact of intravenous naltrexone on intravenous morphine-induced high, drug liking, and euphoric effects in experienced, nondependent male opioid users. Drugs R D. 2011; 11 (3): 259-275.
Webster LR, Bath B, Medve RA, et al.: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the abuse potential of different formulations of oral oxycodone. Pain Med. 2012; 13 (6): 790-801.
Webster LR, Rolleri RL, Pixton GC, et al.: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled and active-controlled study to assess the relative abuse potential of oxycodone HCl-niacin tablets compared with oxycodone alone in nondependent, recreational opioid users. Subst Abuse Rehabil. 2012; 3: 101-113.
Webster LR, Kopecky EA, Smith MD, et al.: A randomized, double-blind, double-dummy study to evaluate the intranasal human abuse potential and pharmacokinetics of a novel extended-release abuse-deterrent formulation of oxycodone. Pain Med. 2016; 17 (6): 1112-1130.
Webster LR, Pantaleon C, Shah MS, et al.: A randomized, double-blind, double-dummy, placebo-controlled, intranasal drug liking study on a novel abuse-deterrent formulation of morphine-morphine ARER. Pain Med. 2016 [Epub ahead of print].
Webster LR, Smith MD, Lawler J, et al.: Human abuse potential of an abuse-deterrent (AD), extended-release (ER) morphine product candidate (Morphine-ADER Injection-Molded Tablets) vs extended-release morphine administered intranasally in nondependent recreational opioid users. Pain Med. 2016 [Epub ahead of print].
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Babalonis S, Lofwall MR, Nuzzo PA, et al.: Abuse liability and reinforcing efficacy of oral tramadol in humans. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2013; 129 (1–2): 116-124.
Babalonis S, Lofwall MR, Nuzzo PA, et al.: Pharmacodynamic effects of oral oxymorphone: Abuse liability, analgesic profile and direct physiologic effects in humans. Addict Biol. 2016; 21 (1): 146-158.
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