Tapering chronic opioid therapy in neuropathic facial pain: An interdisciplinary approach


  • Brijesh P. Chandwani, BDS, FOP
  • Ronald J. Kulich, PhD
  • Lainie Andrew, PhD
  • Steven Scrivani, DDS, DMedSc




neuropathic face pain, opioid therapy, behavioral therapy, psychological treatment, opioid taper, appliance therapy


This case report presents a patient with chronic orofacial pain who was considered to be an appropriate candidate for chronic opioid therapy, a treatment uncommonly considered at most facial pain centers. Her opioid treatment proved ineffectual, and conservative approaches were addressed. She was successfully tapered off the use of a long-acting opioid within a relatively short time, using an interdisciplinary approach involving an aggressive biobehavioral approach.

Author Biographies

Brijesh P. Chandwani, BDS, FOP

Assistant Professor, Craniofacial Pain and Headache Center, Tufts University, Boston, Massachusetts.

Ronald J. Kulich, PhD

Associate Professor, Craniofacial Pain and Headache Center, Tufts University, Boston, Massachusetts; Lecturer, Harvard Medical School, Department of Anesthesia, Pain Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts.

Lainie Andrew, PhD

Associate Professor, Craniofacial Pain and Headache Center, Tufts University, Boston, Massachusetts.

Steven Scrivani, DDS, DMedSc

Professor, Craniofacial Pain and Headache Center, Tufts University, Boston, Massachusetts.


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How to Cite

Chandwani, BDS, FOP, B. P., R. J. Kulich, PhD, L. Andrew, PhD, and S. Scrivani, DDS, DMedSc. “Tapering Chronic Opioid Therapy in Neuropathic Facial Pain: An Interdisciplinary Approach”. Journal of Opioid Management, vol. 4, no. 3, Jan. 2018, pp. 167-71, doi:10.5055/jom.2008.0022.



Case Studies