The influence of the Outward Bound Veterans Program on sense of coherence
adventure, health promotion, physical activity, recreational therapy, salutogenesis, sense of coherence, veteransAbstract
Veterans returning from Operations Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom, and New Dawn may experience threats to their mental health and well-being as a result of their military service. The sense of coherence is a concept that is health promoting, and when high, can be protective against negative health consequences of stress. There are few studies that have determined interventions that may enhance the sense of coherence. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the influence of the Outward Bound Veterans Program (OBVP) on the sense of coherence for US veterans. This study examined 246 veterans who attended the OBVP. The OBVP is a program that uses problem-solving tasks and challenges in a land or water-based outdoor setting that become increasingly difficult. The OBVP relies on teamwork and a series of physical and cognitive challenges. After attending the OBVP, there was a significant increase in the sense of coherence for veterans, and this change persisted 1 year following the completion of the program.
To our knowledge, this is the first intervention that has demonstrated increased sense of coherence following an intervention and 1 year later. Recreational therapists should consider the sense of coherence as an important variable when working with veterans.
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