Stressors and Mental Health in Emergency Management

Comprehensive Stressors and Mental Health Survey
Initial Results Poster
The Journal of Emergency Management recently published a poster with first-pass data on the industry-wide stressors and mental health survey. The survey was available to all emergency managers and affiliated professionals.
The poster can be viewed here.
The goal of the survey is to assess the multitude of factors related to the unique stressors in the emergency management field. The data collected will be used to establish a baseline of the current state of mental health and support analysis and research on how we can better lead, support, recruit, retain, and grow emergency management professionals and organizations capable of meeting the increasing demands of tomorrow. The long-term goal is an annual survey to track improvements or challenges that need to be addressed.

Coming Soon - The 2023 Survey Request

Comprehensive Stressors and Mental Health Survey
The Journal of Emergency Management announces the release of an industry-wide stressors and mental health survey. The survey is available to all emergency managers and affiliated professionals.
The goal of the survey is to assess the multitude of factors related to the unique stressors in the emergency management field. The data collected will be used to establish a baseline of the current state of mental health and support analysis and research on how we can better lead, support, recruit, retain and grow emergency management professionals and organizations capable of meeting the increasing demands of tomorrow. The long-term goal is an annual survey to track improvements or challenges that need to be addressed.
Please take this survey by clicking the link below.
Please share it with your team members. Thank you
The survey can be found at this link:
Or scan the barcode below to take the survey
The survey uses Harvard's Kobo Toolbox for data collection and all data collected is completely blinded. As this is a mental health survey, the appropriate data protection and informed consent safeties are in place. If you are in crisis, please contact your healthcare provider immediately.

Emergency Management - Mental Health Survey

Introduction: This survey aims to get baseline data on the mental health state and challenges of professionals in the emergency management field and affiliated professions. The data will serve as baseline data that will be used to determine the current state of mental health in this field as well as challenges faced by those in the field as well as to guide the creation of programs to address those challenges. Additional questions are asked to attempt to determine personality and leadership characteristics that are common in this profession. That section of data will provide insights into appropriate education and leadership training required for the next generation of emergency manager. Last, data from this survey will allow us to examine and quantify the stressors, many of which are unique to this field. That portion of data may suggest therapies and exercises to reduce those stressors in the field. We strongly encourage you to take the entire survey. It should take between 12 and 16 minutes. Please note there is complete confidentiality in the survey and we have no way to track who takes the survey. Please take the survey ONLY once and ask your peers in your field to also take this survey. Thank you. Journal of Emergency Management Mental Health Research Team.

Why are we doing this survey? Data from this survey will allow researchers to examine and quantify the stressors that emergency managers have in their professional life. Additional questions and data will help determine appropriate exercises, therapies and other modalities to improve the mental health and hygiene of those in this profession. Your participation is critical. Thank you.

Data protection: All survey data is de-indentified. In other words, your name, email address or any other personally identifiable information IS NOT connected to the survey instrument in any way. If you complete a survey and are in crisis, we have no way to be able to get back to you and hence you must consult a medical professional if this survey puts you in distress. While we ask certain demographic information, no attempt will be made to connect that data to any person. All data will be collected using KOBO toolbox. emails, post cards and other methods will be used to solicit people to take this survey. NO personally identifiable information will be connected between the solicitation method and the survey instrument. Please note there is complete confidentiality in the survey and we have no way to track who takes the survey. Please take the survey ONLY once and ask your peers in your field to also take this survey.

Questions about the survey: The survey will be open for a minimum of 3 months. After the collection period, data will be analyzed. Initial data will be presented in a JEM webinars, conference poster sessions and articles in the peer-review literature. Brief Reports will be released as data analysis is completed. Questions on the survey may be directed to the Journal of Emergency Management Email box at or you can call our offices at 781-899-2702 x107 between 9am and 4pm US Eastern Time. Your question many be reviewed by the entire JEM Mental Health Research Team.

Voluntary Participation: This survey is voluntary. Your refusal to take this survey will not effect your standing, stake, role or position in anything as it is a totally de-indentified survey. You may receive multiple invitations from overlapping sources and we ask your patience while we conduct this important survey.

Acknowledge - Journal of Emergency Management - Mental Health Survey -Informed Consent: By taking the survey you accept the risks that questions contained in the survey may trigger emotional responses. If you feel ill while taking the survey, stop the survey and seek medical help immediately. By taking this survey you understand and agree to hold harmless those bringing forth the survey.

JEM Emergency Management Mental Health Survey Team:

The Journal of Emergency Management Mental Health Survey Team consists of the following great people who have contributed many hours to bringing this survey project to life.

  • Richard A. DeVito, Jr., Managing Editor, Publisher, Journal of Emergency Management
  • Timothy Erickson, MD, Core Faculty Member, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative Emergency Medicine Physician, at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA
  • Sonny Patel, MPH, Researcher, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, Boston, MA and Los Angeles, CA
  • Kim Guevara, MA, Founder and CEO of Mozaik Solutions, San Diego, CA
  • Ali Meyer, PhD ABD, MS, Executive Vice President, People Strategies of Mozaik Solutions, San Diego, CA
  • William Waugh, Jr, PhD, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Emergency Management , Atlanta, GA


Copyright 2021, Journal of Emergency Management, All Rights Reserved. Some questions copyright 2004 Brian Bride, PhD, MPH, MSW, used with permission. Other survey questions copyright 2021 Elsevier and used with permission per their open access covid resource center. Other questions used under creative commons or fair use as an investigative/research project. We thank those persons and organizations for their support..