Leave Nobody Behind: Emergency Management in an More Inclusive Way

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Call for Research and Applied Papers
Special Issue
Leave Nobody Behind:
Emergency Management in a More Inclusive Way
The Journal of Emergency Management (JEM) Editorial Review Board invites the submission of original research, papers, and case studies supporting a special issue titled: Leave Nobody Behind: Emergency Management in a More Inclusive Way.
The special issue will be led by guest editor Sonny S. Patel, MPH, MPhil, who has extensive experience as an emergency management and disaster risk reduction practitioner. He is also an academic researcher with the Transcultural Conflict and Violence Initiative at Georgia State University, and a visiting scientist with Harvard Humanitarian Initiative at Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. Current Editor-in-Chief, Dr. William L. Waugh, Jr., will join Mr. Patel and a special group of peer reviewers that are focused on reviewing research and content as quickly as possible to disseminate real-time information to the field. We will have a series of guest editors who will share their thoughts on the crucial role of emergency managers in shaping equitable outcomes in communities around the world.
Leaving no one behind is the ongoing aim of disaster risk reduction and emergency management approaches. Yet, increasingly, planning and operationalization challenges arise due to the difficulties of addressing inequities that exist in communities. We present this call
for papers to identify, document, and garner lessons learned from teams around the world for understanding and implementing strategies for inclusion into pre-disaster planning, mitigation, and post-disaster recovery. This special issue will not debate the need or importance of equitable outcomes in emergency management but will focus instead on the approaches which should be achieved, especially in a global context. The focus is on the future integration of disaster risk reduction and emergency management research to identify, advocate, and manage the effects of inequities through risk mitigation and loss prevention at the emergency management level.
This special issue will be a must-read for those in emergency management, government, and public health professions. This issue will showcase the latest research and practice as researchers, practitioners, and emergency managers integrate equity into their models and practices across the globe to mitigate the consequences of the trend toward the rising frequency and intensity of major weather events. The goal is to create a reference work that can be utilized by those in the field, including theoretical underpinnings, actionable research, and practical case applications. This special issue will be available as a print issue, and a “living issue” will be updated continuously online as new manuscripts are received.
Suggested Topics:
Journal of Emergency Management invites academics and professionals in private and public organizations to submit papers for this special issue and suggests the following partial list of topics for submission:
■   Exploring the Intersection of Equity, Emergency Management, and Public Health
■   Legislative and Public Policy Analysis of Pre- and Post-Disaster Equitable Resilience and
Community Outcome
■   Lessons Learned from Researchers, Practitioners, and Emergency Managers about
Understanding and Implementing Inclusive Practices
■   Economic Impact of Equity and Cost-Effective Techniques that Enhance Local Community
■   Integrating Established and New Practices to Mitigate Disaster Losses in At-Risk
Populations and Underserved Communities
■   Improving Resilience Utilizing Innovative Practices at the Local and International Level
(including case studies and review of best practices)
■   Community Health Resiliency and Disaster Equity Policy
■   Public-Private Partnerships in Disaster Readiness
■  Inclusive Disaster Risk and Crisis Communication
■   Factors that Shape Equity in Planning and Response through Resilience Lens
■   And More!
Review Process:
  • Quick initial review of submissions to ensure a fit with this special issue's articles.
  • Full double-blinded peer review process.
  • If you want to be considered for the pool of reviewers for this special issue, please send an email of interest and your CV or short resume to jem@pnpco.com
Manuscript Submission and Information:
Author information and manuscript submission are available on the JEM Manuscript Submissions page located here: https://wmpllc.org/ojs/index.php/jem/manuscriptsubmission
Manuscript submissions will be accepted through December 2025, and will be placed in the special issue of JEM. Please also consult our educational site on this topic located here: Call For Presentations, Posters, etc – LEAVENOBODYBEHIND.INFO
Article Types:
We will review articles across the spectrum, including original papers, research, best practices, brief communications, short reviews of existing programs, as well as creative solutions. Additional documented modalities for managing the topics above will be reviewed with the goal of sharing useful cutting-edge tools to improve and/or address emergency management and sustainability research to manage the effects of climate change through risk mitigation and loss prevention.
Article Length:
Our target article length limit is 3,500 words. We will address length limitations on a per-article basis. Please email us.
Additional Media Formats:
We will accept non-paper-based submissions (video, PowerPoint, etc.) if they include the standard JEM abstract format, all citation details, and all rights are cleared and assignable. Please contact our office for more details.
Direct questions to our staff at 781-899-2702 Ext. 114 or 108, Monday - Friday, 9am - 4pm EST. Or, email us at jem@pnpco.com
Extended nationwide distribution, standard international distribution - Print, online, and ejournal formats
Limited advertising will be accepted for this special issue - reserve early. Email us for details
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Interested in creating a webinar series on this topic or another?
With over 850 peer-review published papers and access to thought leaders across the globe, we can create webinars on virtually any topic to support your education or marketing needs. Please contact us at jem@pnpco.com for details.