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Webinar - Mariner Mental Health During COVID-19 and Beyond
Webinar - Mental Health in Emergency Management and Public Health post COVID-19
related to opioid use disorder in the era of COVID-19
Link to the recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPnL6BoUR7s
Link to slide handouts: http://wmpllc.org/81643560217_Handouts.pdf
Link to post webinar survey: http://survey.constantcontact.com/survey/a07ei49rmf0kpsic2oz/start
that are Disproportionately Impacted by COVID-19
Webinar Recording:
Access Passcode: D1%r5YWN

Professor Attila Hertelendy, PhD, COVID-19 Special Issue Editor, Journal of Emergency Management
Richard A. DeVito, Jr, Managing Editor, Journal of Emergency Management
and Affiliated Professions:
It’s OK to talk about it.
Attila Hertelendy, PhD
Craig Fugate
To View the recording please follow this link:
Access Passcode: @9RC$c!n