About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The Most Respected Name in Emergency Management
The Journal of Emergency Management is edited, written, and peer-reviewed by an internationally recognized team of the foremost, hands-on EM experts. They include top professionals from the public and private sectors who offer real-world experience and practical solutions and leading academics who provide perspective and analysis on the latest research and studies. Together, they bring you the most thorough, relevant, and useful source of information on emergency management.
The Most Important Thing You Can Do for Yourself and Your EM Team
Published bi-monthly, every issue of the Journal of Emergency Management is peer-reviewed and packed with invaluable information and insight. Topics include:
- Emergency planning and response
- Disaster recovery and business continuity planning
- Emergency preparedness and response legislation
- Risk management
- Emergency management today, tomorrow, and in the future
- Severe weather, flood, and hurricane studies
- Emergency communications
- Continuity of operations and infrastructure protection
- Preparation and evacuation for the disabled
- Cross-training in emergency management
- And much more, including a special focus on EM training and higher education
Peer Review Process
Quick Link to Manuscript Submission Portal
To submit a manuscript, please go to https://www.editorialmanager.com/JEM/default.aspx. Click on "New users should register for a new account". After you register you will be able to click on a link to submit a manuscript, this will forward you to a page with instructions.
Editorial Policy
Journal of Emergency Management (JEM) will consider papers for publication related to research, theory, and current issues in emergency management. Specifically, JEM is positioned as a vehicle for academics and practitioners to share field research. In addition to scientific studies and program descriptions, we will also consider letters to the editor, guest editorials, and book reviews. JEM seeks to promote the accurate, efficient handling of publishable material. Individuals desiring to contribute should not hesitate to make inquiries, even if they are unfamiliar with procedures for writing and submitting manuscripts. The editorial staff is pleased to process and reply to any inquiries received. Our goal is to provide original, relevant, and timely information from diverse sources; to write and publish with absolute integrity, and to serve as effectively as possible the needs of those involved in emergency management. If your research will help us achieve these goals, we would like to hear from you.
Manuscript Submission
To submit a manuscript, please go to https://www.editorialmanager.com/JEM/default.aspx . Click on "New users should register for a new account". After you register you will be able to click on a link to submit a manuscript, this will forward you to a page with instructions.
Manuscript Format
Please be sure to turn OFF the track changes feature on all documents before submission. The cover page should indicate the article’s title, the full name, highest pertinent academic degrees, institutional affiliations, and current address of each author, contact information for the author handling all correspondence, telephone number, fax number, and, if the manuscript was orally presented at a meeting, the name of the organization, place, and date it was read. The first use of an uncommon abbreviation should be preceded by the full name. Brief definitions of key terms may be appended to the manuscript and can be presented in parentheses after the term within the article. With the exception of forum articles, book reviews, or letters to the editor, manuscripts should include the following five sections: Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. Subheads should be inserted at suitable levels. Style should conform to “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” (available online at http://www.icmje.org).
Figures & Tables
The Journal welcomes illustrations, charts, and photographs to accompany articles. Figures should be titled and numbered consecutively according to the citation in the text. Information presented in figures and tables should be explained in the text. If data have been published previously, an appropriate reference should be included.
Short, descriptive legends should be provided on a separate page. Legends for figures previously published should include a complete reference to the original publication, with the copyright designation. Copies of the publisher's and author's permission to use the figure must be provided. Photographs should include legends and should be numbered consecutively according to the citation in the text and labeled on the back. Tables, photos, and figures must be submitted in the following formats: TIFF, JPEG, or EPS.
Manuscript review
Manuscripts are received with the understanding that they are submitted solely to the Journal of Emergency Management and that, apart from abstracts, none of the material contained in the manuscript has been published previously or is under consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors of papers accepted through the peer-review process will be required to sign our standard author and copyright agreement. Authors should secure all necessary clearances and approvals prior to submission. Contact our editorial offices for a review copy of our author agreement.
Journal of Emergency Management is a refereed journal. All manuscripts are generally subject to review by at least two members of the editorial advisory board who are noted experts in the appropriate subject area. The Journal reserves the right to make editorial revisions prior to publication.
All manuscripts are acknowledged immediately, and every effort will be made to advise contributors of the status of their submissions within 60 days.
Open Access
Open access is available once a paper clears peer review or any time after it has been published. We feel this maintains the integrity of the peer-review system and removes the financial incentive to publish everything that is submitted. Please contact the editorial office if you would like to place a paper in open access. The rates are Commercial Organizations: $3500; Non-Profit Institutions: $2250-$2750 based on size; Individuals: $1750, Please contact the editorial office if additional conditions warrant price adaptations.
References are organized in AMA format; that is, they are to be cited numerically in the text and in consecutive order, including the first three authors followed by et al., and listed at the end of the article in the following format:
Journal articles— 1. Mudd P, Smith JG, Allen AZ, et al.: High ideals and hard cases: The evolution of opioid therapy for cancer pain. Hastings Cent Rep. 1982; 12(2):11-14.
Books— 1. Bayles SP (ed.): Nutritional Supplements and Interactions with Analgesics. Boston: GK Hall & Co., 1978.
Book chapters— 1. Martin RJ, Post SG: Introducing alternative prescribing strategies. In Smith J, Howard RP, and Donaldson P (eds.): The Oncology Management Handbook. Madison, WI: Clearwater Press, 1998, pp. 310-334.
Web sites— Health Care Financing Administration: HCFA Statistics at a glance. Available at: www.hcfa/gov/stats/stahili.htm. Accessed December 27, 2002.
Style should conform to “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” prepared by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors and published in December 2016 at http://www.icmje.org/icmje-recommendations.pdf
The Journal expects authors to disclose any commercial or financial associations that might pose a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted article. All funding sources supporting the work should be acknowledged on the title page.
All correspondence should be addressed to the Managing Editor, Journal of Emergency Management, 470 Boston Post Road, Suite 301, Weston, MA 02493, USA.