Emergency management leadership in 2030: Shaping the next generation meta-leader
emergency management, meta-leadership, training, education, competencies, next generationAbstract
The complexities, interdependencies, and ambiguity that face next generation emergency management meta-leaders in an ever-evolving global community heighten the expectation and need for competencies that far exceed those common in practice today and necessitate the ability to move seamlessly through the dimensions of meta-leadership (ie, the person, the situation, and connectivity) while utilizing scientific-based evidence, information, resources, processes, and tools. The objective of this effort was to examine the recently developed next generation emergency management competencies through a meta-leadership lens by juxtaposing the competencies and the meta-leadership model. This resulted in a new framing of the skills and attributes within the meta-leadership model as they are relevant to each competency. Selected trends, drivers, and challenges were used to provide examples within each competency area of the utility of meta-leadership to next generation emergency management practice. This effort also offers training and education implications for next generation emergency management meta-leaders. The examination of the new framing created in this effort is intended to prompt dialog and research within the emergency management practice and academic communities that furthers the practice and study of emergency management.
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