Managing security issues of electronic voting to protect the resiliency of the electoral process
critical infrastructure, cyberattack, cybersecurity, electoral fraud, electoral process, electronic voting, emergency management, e-voting, Hurricane Sandy, i-voting, principles of emergency management, SandyAbstract
The purpose of this article is to heighten the awareness among homeland security and emergency management professionals to the significant role they can play in protecting electronic voting from the very real potential of cyberattacks. It is important for these professionals to understand electronic voting and its advantages and disadvantages at this point in time because the number of cybersecurity attacks is increasing, electronic voting usage is increasing, and the media have overlooked this aspect of the voting system. Homeland security professionals and, in particular, emergency management professionals need to be involved because electronic voting is intimately connected with the nation’s critical infrastructure, voting is a local activity, and the principles of emergency management professionals suggest that they have the relevant skills to help solve the security issues related to electronic voting.References
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